How We Advance Justice

Sacramento ACT works to create a more just world by teaching people of faith how to build and exercise their own power to address the root causes of the problems they face. In ACT, this struggle for justice is rooted in our shared faith vision. We use listening, research and advocacy to identify and change conditions to create justice and equity.

To win structural change we focus on:


Our faith is the basis for our vision of change and provides us with a unifying moral framework which demands inclusion, justice and equity for all.  


We develop relationships with and among leaders to discover a shared analysis of the inequity and injustice of the world as it is as well as a shared vision of the world as it should be.  The vision of the world as it should be must be created with input from those closest to the pain.


Through relationships and research, we build a structural analysis that identifies the conditions that cause the problem, as well as the role of systemic racism and economic exclusion.  We use this analysis as the foundation for our advocacy for change. 


We understand power as the ability to act.  We recognize that power is the product of relationship.  We build shared power among people, “power with” not “power over” each other.