Cecilia Flores

Narrative & Communications Strategist


Favorite quote or scripture related to justice: 

‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’

-Matthew 25:40

 “I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least.”

-Dorothy Day

What called you to ACT?

My father, a Filipino immigrant, from an early age taught my brothers and I to live with a spirit of generosity and solidarity. Very much aware of the turmoil experienced in the motherland by my own family members, my desire to serve and my passion for social justice were born. Since graduating from college, I have always worked in the intersection of faith, service, and justice, and in recent years I was blessed to become familiar with the work of SacAct. In joining the team, I believe God is calling me to go deeper into my desire for justice to work to affect change in the systems that continue to oppress our communities.

Favorite Book: 

He Leadeth Me by Walter J. Ciszek, S.J.

The Violence of Love by Oscar Romero

What My Bones Knew by Stephanie Foo

Favorite thing about Sacramento: 

The city feel with way less traffic.